read all of the rules

desires is a london based community smutty community where there is an emphasis on discussing sex, intimacy and relationships. that is not all there is too us, however! desires strongly encourages platonic friendships, familial relationships and committed romantic relationships. members are free to post non-smutty things on the fp for instagram, moodboards, playlists, narratives. pretty much whenever they want. keep all of this in mind when joining.

setting up is easy! to apply you just need an ic or ooc journal, icon, f/o and ooc post. you must have a layout up as well. your character's name, birthday/age, hometown and occupation must be in their ooc post. make sure your flist is cleaned out if you used it at a previous community. that's it. we will delete your application if you apply without these things done in an effort to hold your pb.

no creeps, no incels: we know the inclusion of smut implies that creeps could be around. don't be one! any and all predatory behavior will result in a removal and ban. this includes trying anything non-consensual, pressuring characters into sex with money and gifts (without an agreed upon sugar relationship) and just being a creep overall. if someone isn't interested? move on. if someone chooses someone else for a romantic line or something similar? move on. please be above board because we want everyone to feel safe here. to be frank, as mods we will stick up for our members but we're not going to try to please everyone.

activity: post as often or as little as you want, you have options! you can: participate in one in one group activity a week, post twice a month (narrative/interactive posts) or participate in two group activities & post once a month. you must be visible on the fp commenting other posts. if we suspect you are dead weight we will look for you and remove you. if you have not run the flist button in 7 days you will also be removed. we reserve the right to change these rules to be more traditional if we feel too many members are consistently not pulling their weight.

nsfw content: do not share porn gifs/images/videos on the fp. you can post images that hint at sex or are erotic without being pornography. just because people enjoy smut in rp doesn't mean they want to see porn. do not share any pornographic images/gifs/videos privately without ooc/ic consent of the other writer. breaking of this rule will result in a quick removal from the community and likely without warning if we feel the content warrants it. use common sense when posting any kind of content that could use a warning.

rejections: as the mods of this community we do reserve the right to reject anyone that we feel would not make a good fit. we do not answer inquiries about rejections.

no wire, discord, etc. leave it to the fp/customs.